Wednesday, June 12, 2013

ROLE PLAY #1: Electric Wolf Pack

Hi there guys! Here is the first Role Play. I will write a few starter paragraphs and let
you guys continue the rest. (I will join in the Role Play frequently). You can start
the Role Playing immediately after you have created a character.

** NOTE: You can have your characters be all the colors of the rainbow

**NOTE: We're not going to be super realistic here, so anyone can have pups.
It doesn't just have to be the alpha pair.

Here are a few of my characters:

Name: DarkFire
Gender: Male
Coloring: Black fur with paws like flames, leathery batwings, and 2 multicolored eyes
one red and one gold.
Personality: Extremely independent, though he will stop at nothing to protect
or help out in any way possible. He has a slow temper, but when he is
angered he goes up in flames. He is skilled in both stealth and fighting.

Name: Emerald
Gender: Female
Coloring: Vivid green, dark foresty eyes
Personality: Gentle, the provider. Has none of her own, but
often takes care of pups and juveniles. Has a soft spot in
her heart for the sick, wounded, or handicapped. Skilled
in healing and care taking.

Name: Obsidian (alpha)
Gender: Male
Coloring: Jet black with purple highlights and grey eyes
Personality: Strong and fierce; handles pack problems
well. Is usually the one to go to if you have a dilemma,
or need a question answered. Obsidian will give it his
all when in a fight.

Storm clouds spread across the silvery skies like wild fire. Howls caught fire to the rising wind, and
the soft patter of many wolves dashing across a barren land mixed with the impending thunder.

Obsidian: *shouts above all the commotion* Keep going! We need to find better land and shelter
before this weather's condition gets serious!

DarkFire: *growls softly* We should've just stayed home by the river. It seemed nice over that way.

Obsidian: You know that wouldn't work! A storm like this would flood that river and then where would we be? If not drowned in our own homes as we slept, we'd wake up in foreign land!

DarkFire: *says quietly* We kind of already are in foreign land....

The rest is up to you. Remember, please record all of your characters before putting them in
the Role Play.

SteamPunking/Role Playing out,

Monday, June 10, 2013

Polar's Role Playing Introduction

Hey there guys!


This blog will be exclusively for Role Playing and OC/Character pictures. 


*** No language

*** No inappropriate content

*** Do not argue unless it is a part of the Role Play

*** BACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How to enter in the Role Plays:

Follow this example to join/enter in a Role Play:

Name of Character
Character's gender
Description of Character
Character's colorings
(OPTIONAL) Picture of Character

There are currently no limitations to how many characters you can have.

How to create a Role Play yourself:

Simply comment below with a format like this...

The name of your Role Play
Your character's name, if you have one
(OPTIONAL) A list of already joined Role Players

If I like your Role Play, I will post it on the blog and let people
start Role Playing. However, if the Role Play gets too 
inappropriate or out of hand, I will temporarily delete it from the

If you have any other questions, simply comment below.

Frequently commenting or people with popular Role Plays will be featured in a separate 
post. If one is provided, I will include a picture of the persons character/s. 


SteamPunking out,
